Information Requirement for Naukri Gulf PCS

Download PCS Process Download PCS Checklist

Must To Have

Sections Descriptions
Customer Name  
URL of Client's Site  
Username/Master Email Id  
CNAME should be done
Account Subscription Should be activated
Home Content required in DOC or TXT Format.
About Us Content required in DOC or TXT Format.
Contact Us Content required in DOC or TXT Format.
Homepage Image Carousel JPG, GIF or PNG
(High resolution images required.)

Width: 940 pixels.  
Height: 300 pixels. 
Office Location on Map Longitude & Latitude will be required for exact location in map.
White Label URL Example: if your site is '' the PCS site URL will be ''
PCS Language Arabic / English / Both
Career Site Analytics Google analytics

Good To Have

Sections Descriptions (what is required or not)
Social Sharing FB / Twitter / LinkedIn icons for sharing your  pages.
Facebook Updates We need client official Facebook account URL.
Photo Gallery JPG, GIF or PNG 
(High resolution images is required.)
Videos YouTube URLs required.
SO Number  
Sales Person Name
Transaction Approved By  
Subscription Start Date / End date  
Client Contact Point Name / Number

PCS Template Preview

Live PCS designed in January 2017

Al Sorayai

  • Google Fonts Used
  • Responsive Layout
  • Switch to Arabic Option

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  • Additonal Team tab
  • Responsive Layout
  • Switch to Arabic Option

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  • Photo Gallery Included
  • Responsive Layout
  • Switch to Arabic Option

Click Preview



  • Single Job Page
  • Responsive Layout

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Live PCS designed in December 2016


  • Responsive Layout
  • Switch to Arabic Option

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  • Responsive Layout
  • Switch to Arabic Option

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Frontier IQ

  • Responsive Layout
  • Switch to Arabic Option

Click Preview


Trinity Holdings

  • Responsive Layout
  • Switch to Arabic Option

Click Preview