Jobs in IDC Technologies

Our Value

We recognize that Mutual Trust and Respect is the heart of our Human Values. We believe that "Service" and a "Service Attitude" to customers form the basis of the business. We have a passion for Excellence with the highest standards of "Service".

We understand Accountability and Commitment; achieving the goals. We have the ability to be at the forefront of cutting edge technology seeing Change as an Opportunity and not as a Threat.

We promise to deliver to all customers Innovative and Value based services and solutions... Always being a part of the Customers Success.

Define, Optimize, and Align Your Business Strategy!

Consulting and IT Services from IDC focus on defining, optimizing and aligning our client's business strategy with IT initiatives. We believe that business and technology work hand-in-hand. A proper understanding of this synthesis motivates every engagement, enabling us to deliver technology solutions that give you a decisive competitive advantage.
  • Optimize ROI from new, aging, and legacy application systems
  • Increase your ability to compete globally by integrating leading Internet-enabled applications
  • mprove your response to customer needs by keeping critical enterprise software up-to-date
  • Speed the pace of technological change within your organization while minimizing costs
  • Recapture the business logic inherent in legacy applications