Chairman's Message
At Acharya Institutes, we believe in 'fueling the quest for knowledge'.
In doing so, our commitments are in ensuring individual professional success which culminates in benefiting the society.
Creating a vast state-of-the-art academic infrastructure, putting together best of teaching talent, equipping with every required learning aid ensures that students at Acharya get the best in academics. Sporting, cultural and extra-curricular facilities are put in place in order so that the students enjoy their campus life.
The wide range of Acharya academics encompasses Engineering, Management, Technology, Life Sciences, Pharmacy, Nursing, Teaching, Journalism, Communication, Fashion Design, etc. and has drawn aspiring youth from every part of India and some thirty countries abroad.
Acharya Institutes is truly emerging as the nurturing ground for leadership. It is becoming synonymous with practical, industry-focussed education and is attracting students from across the globe.
The fact that Acharyans are today a familiar face in the industry is a demonstration of its total commitment to excellence in academics.
I welcome you to the Acharya fold.